All orders are shipped out from the US to India by Air Freight. The Estimated Delivery window provided by reflects the most standard delivery. However, some orders may occasionally be subject to longer transit time caused by air freight delay, Customs hold, or any other unforeseen complications outside of ’s control.

Standard International on Pricing (6 to 12 Business Days)
₹0.00 - ₹2999.99            - ₹ 699.00
₹3,000.00 - ₹4,999.99     - ₹ 299.00
₹5,000.00 and above      - Free shipping

Standard International on weight (6 to 12 Business Days)
0.1 grms  to  400 grms        -  ₹ 699.00
401 grms to  900 grms        -  ₹ 599.00
901 grms to  1500 grms      -  ₹ 649.00
Above 1501 grams              -  ₹ 799.00